List of Clinics

An important note about abortion support:

If you are looking for support before or after an abortion, please be aware that not all professionals have an unbiased and balanced view. If the professional views abortion only in certain ways, you might feel judged, misunderstood, or receive inaccurate information.

Pro-choice/pro-voice professionals provide people with unbiased information and counselling services about abortion. They understand abortion is a common experience and that people have a wide variety of thoughts and feelings about it – sometimes negative, sometimes positive, sometimes both. If you are looking for support about abortion, it’s a good idea to ask the professional about their views before you meet them.

Because voluntary terminations are not available in all locations indicated below, please refer to * to know which ones do offer that service.

RegionClinics/HospitalsCityTel.Post-Abortion Counselling Available
NationalCanadian Women’s ClinicCanada Wide1-888-987-0987*
AlbertaKensington ClinicCalgary403-283-9117Yes *
 Women’s Health Clinic at Peter Lougheed CentreCalgary403-943-5716Yes *
 Woman’s Health Options ClinicEdmonton780-484-1124Yes *
British ColumbiaWomen’s Services Clinic, Kelowna General HospitalKelowna250-980-1399Referral *
 East Kootenay Women’s Services ClinicCranbrook250-919-8154Referral *
Women’s Vita Medical ClinicNanaimo250-591-9812*
 West Kootenay Family Planning ServicesNelson250-505-3885Referral
Women’s Wellness ClinicTerrace250-635-2229*
 CARE Program, BC Women’s Hospital & Health CentreVancouver604-875-2022 or 1-888-300-3088 #2022 (hotline for all of BC)Yes *
 Elizabeth Bagshaw Women’s ClinicVancouver604-736-7878 or 1-877-736-7171Yes *
 Everywoman’s Health CentreVancouver604-322-6692Yes *
 Willow Women’s ClinicVancouver604-709-5611Yes *
 Vancouver Island Women’s ClinicVictoria250-480-7338Yes *
ManitobaBrandon Regional Health CentreBrandon204-578-2513 (Sexual Health Program)
 Health Sciences Centre, Women’s HospitalWinnipeg2054-787-1980
 Women’s Health ClinicWinnipeg204-477-1887 or 1-866-947-1517 #103Yes *
New BrunswickBathurst Chaleur Regional HospitalBathurst506-544-3000
My choice NBOnlineSelf-organized collective effort of health professionals to reduce barriers t abortion care.*
 Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital CentreMoncton506-862-2770
 The Moncton HospitalMonctontoll free 1-844-806-9205 *
NewfoundlandPlanned Parenthood – Sexual Health Center (for resources and referrals)

Abortion in NL
St-John’s709-579-1009 or 1-877-666-9847*
Athena Health Centre St-John’s 709-754-3572 or 1-800-755-2044*
Nova ScotiaROSE Clinic, reproducitve options and servicesHalifax902-473-7072
1-833-352-0719 (provincial referral line)
Yes *
 South Shore Regional HospitalBridgewater902-472-4078
1-833-352-0719 (provincial referral line)
 Valley Regional HospitalKentville902-543-4603 (general number)
 Colchester East Hants Health CentreTruro902-893-4321 (general number)
1-833-352-0719 (provincial referral line)
Nova Scotia Health AuthorityProvincial902-472-4078Free counseling service after-abortion
OntarioBrampton Women’s ClinicBrampton905-789-7474Yes *
 Women’s Clinic, Hamilton Health Sciences HospitalHamilton905-389-5068
 Hamilton Women’s ClinicHamilton905-540-1900*
 Pregnancy Options Program/Abortion Clinic, London Health Science CentreLondon519-685-8204Yes *
 Grand River Hospital Abortion ClinicKitchener519-749-4254
 Shore CenterKitchener519-743-9360
 Mississauga Women’s Clinic | Medical and Surgical Abortions ( *
 Sound Care Medical and Imaging CentreOttawa613-244-0911
 Morgentaler ClinicOttawa613-567-8300Yes *
 Umbrella Medical ClinicThunder Bay807-344-4077
 Bay Centre for Birth ControlToronto419-351-3700Referral *
 Bloor West Village Women’s ClinicToronto416-8494595 or 1-844-785-1375
 Cabbagetown Women’s ClinicToronto416-323-0642 or 1-800-399-1592 *
 Choice in Health ClinicToronto416-975-9300 or 1-866-565-9300Yes *
 Morgentaler ClinicToronto416-932-0446 or 1-800-556-6835Yes *
 Women’s Care Clinic Toronto (North York)416-256-4139 *
Prince Edward IslandSexual Health Options & Reproductive Services – Prince County HospitalSummerside1-844-365-8258Yes *
QuebecHôpital le RoyerBaie-Comeau418 589-3701 # 302546 *
 Centre hospitalier de l’ArchipelCap-aux-meules418 986-2121 # 8160 *
 Centre de sante Rene-RicardChapais418 745-2591 # 10265*
 Centre Hospitalier Anna-LabergeChateauguay450 699-2605
 Centre de sante de Chibougamau
Chibougamau418 748-2676 # 24214 *
 CLSC de Chicoutimi Chicoutimi418-543-2221 #3763
 CLSC La PommeraieCowansville450 266-4342 # 4, demander Pénélope *
 CLSC Drummond Drummondville819 474-2572 # 33226 *
 Centre hospitalier de GaspéGaspé418 368-1716
 Clinique des femmes de l’OutaouaisGatineau819 778-2055Pdf guide *
 Hôpital Charles-Le MoyneGreenfield Park450 466-5000 # 2628 *
 CLSC de JolietteJoliette450 755-2111 # 2418 *
 Hôpital de JonquièreJonquière418-695-7732 *
 Centre de sante Tulattavik de l’Ungava Kuujjuak819 964-2905 #222 *
 Hôpital de la cité de la santéLaval450 975-5565
 CLSC du MarigotLaval450 668-1803 # 45183
 Hôtel-Dieu de LévisLévis418 835-7121 # 11228Referral *
 Centre de Santé des FemmesMontreal514 270-6110 #1Pdf guide *
 Centre Hospitalier Maisonneuve-RosemontMontreal514 252-3400 # 4273Yes
 CHUM 264, boul. René-Lévesque Est, Montréal
Montreal514 890-8000 # 34609 
 CLSC des FaubourgsMontreal514 527-9565 # 3674
 CLSC de Rivière des PrairiesMontreal514 380-8299 *
 CLSC de Montréal NordMontreal514 384-2000 #7645
 Lasalle HospitalLasalle514 367-8628 
 Clinique Médicale l’EnvoléeMontreal514 581-4644 *
 Clinique Médicale l’AlternativeMontreal514 281-6476 ou 514 281-9848Yes *
 Clinique MorgentalerMontreal514 844-4844 ou 1 888 401-4844Yes *
 Clinique Médicale FeminaMontreal514 843-7904Yes *
 Hôpital Sainte-JustineMontreal514 345-4931 # 4662 
 CLSC de l’Érable Plessisville819 362-6301 # 250
 Clinique de planification des naissances, Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec Québec418 654-2167 *
 Hôpital Saint-François d’AssiseQuébec418 525-4397
 CLSC Le Partage des eauxRouyn-Noranda819 762-5599 # 45073 
 Hôpital de RimouskiRimouski418 724-8578 *
 CLSC Rivière du loupRivière-du-Loup418 867-2642 #140
 CLSC Jean-Olivier-ChénierSaint-Eustache450 473-6811 # 42295 *
 CLSC Saint-HubertSaint-Hubert450 443-7400 #7455
 Centre hospitalier Honoré-MercierSaint-Hyacinthe450 771-3333 # 4214
 Hôpital régional de Saint-JérômeSaint-Jérôme450 432-2777 # 27314
 Hôpital de Sept-ÎlesSept-Îles418 962-9761 # 452752 *
 CLSC du Centre de la MauricieShawinigan819 539-8371 # 8345 *
 Centre hospitalier universitaire de SherbrookeSherbrooke819 565-0767 # 0
 CLSC LamaterTerrebonne450 471-2883 *
 CLSC de Trois-RivièresTrois-Rivières819 370-2200 # 42401 *
 Centre de santé des femmes de la MauricieTrois-Rivières819 378-1661 # 2Referral*
 Centre hospitalier de Val-d’OrVal D’Or819 825-5858 # 2494 
 CLSC Vaudreuil-DorionVaudreuil-Dorion450 455-6171 # 71363
 CLSC Suzor-Coté Victoriaville819 758-7281 # 2147 *
SaskatchewanWomen’s Health Centre, Regina General HospitalRegina306-766-0586 or 1-800-563-9923Yes *
 Saskatoon Sexual HealthSaskatoon306-244-7989
 Saskatoon City HospitalSaskatoon306-244-7989 (Sexual Health Centre referrals) *
 Saskatoon Community ClinicSaskatoon306-652-0300
La Ronge Medical ClinicLa Ronge306-425-2174*
Northern TerritoriesNOW – Northern Options for Women (at Stanton Territorial Hospital)Yellowknife, Northwest Territories867-765-4018 Outside Yellowknife 1-888-873-5710Referral *
 Qikiqtani Regional HospitalIqualuit, Nunavut867-979-7352
 Opal Clinic (at Whitehorse General Hospital)Whitehorse, Yukon867-393-6635

* Voluntary terminations available

This list was put together in big part thanks to and Bottin-Ressources Avortement au Quebec.pdf.