Thanks / Merci

This website came to be out of inspiration, and then support came in various forms and from dear people all over the country. It warmed my heart and gave me wings.

Clinique Fémina (Montreal)

Une équipe formidable, une philosophie qui s’appuie sur le respect et le confort de la patiente; des cœurs dévoués au soutien et au bien-être des femmes. Vous m’inspirez chaque jour !

Everywoman’s Health Center (British Columbia)

The self-help pages of this site come from the generosity of the counsellors at this clinic. I am so grateful for their prompt answers to my questions as I was putting this project together and their willingness to help.

Planned Parenthood (Toronto)

For their in-depth answers about the support they offer, and their willingness to assist and discuss how to improve access to emotional support resources for women who might need them.

Shannon Hardy (Hardy Consulting)

Finding you felt like such perfect timing! Your training/coaching is amazing and always brings me back on track while having fun. Thanks for believing in me.

Women’s Health Clinic (Manitoba)

Thank you for taking time over the phone to discuss this field and how to best support women through this time in their lives. I especially appreciated your passion for women’s empowerment!

P & T Hartman (Happy for a Change)

For always being there for me with motivational or technological support. Your generosity touches me deeply and I feel blessed to have walked into that meetup the very first time years ago and am so grateful for how it has changed my life since then.